Map details

Mapnameleafland - alpha1
Filename leafland.bsp [ readme ]
Author skinmaster
Game type ctf Capture the flag
Recommended count of players 8-12
Maximum count of players 8
Weapons sg gl rl rg pg
Items ya health
Functions push w
Bots Anarki Angel Biker Bitterman Bones Cadavre Crash Daemia Doom Gorre Grunt Hossman Hunter Keel Klesk Lucy Major Mynx Orbb Patriot Phobos Ranger Razor Sarge Slash Sorlag Stripe Tank Jr. Uriel Visor Wrack Xaero
Defrag online records q3df fastcaps
Defrag racing
Defrag demos Speedcapture
Release date
Pk3 file leafland.pk3 [ Report ]
File size 7.78 MB
Checksum MD5: aca4aa299f2bf694dbe0951fe18ba76c

Download leafland.pk3!

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