Map details

MapnameThis is the Gorbino's Quest of life!
Filename kozz-gorbino.bsp [ readme ]
Author Kozz-
Modification Defrag
Weapons sg rl
Items enviro quad
Functions door button tele moving ice sound t
Difficult level
  • Q
  • Q
  • Q
  • Q
  • Q
Defrag style run
Defrag physics vq3, cpm
Defrag online records vq3, cpm
Defrag racing: vq3, cpm
Defrag demos vq3, cpm
Release date
Pk3 file kozz-gorbino.pk3 [ Report ]
File size 8.13 MB
Checksum MD5: c20f3aad17f2f17e149f081f69487bb0

Download kozz-gorbino.pk3!

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