Map details

MapnameStargate source
Filename q3-stargate-pack-source.bsp [ readme ]
Author camel-xp
Game type ctf Capture the flag
Maximum count of players 4
ffa Free For All
Maximum count of players 4
tdm Team Deathmatch
Maximum count of players 4
trn Tournament
Maximum count of players 4
Functions door button tele sound
Defrag online records q3df fastcaps
Defrag racing
Defrag demos Speedcapture
Release date
Pk3 file q3-stargate-pack-source.pk3 [ Report ]
File size 7.77 MB
Checksum MD5: 0c1ea144fc53c02e60c6f99322478ffd
Map dependencies (1) Textures: {Quake III: Arena}

Download q3-stargate-pack-source.pk3!

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