
Preview images for levels are located in pk3 files in the folder levelshots and named after their map filename.

To make a TGA levelshot a simple key binding like this is enough:

\bind F12 "screenshot mapname"

When using the key your screenshots get stored into your screenshot folder with the name mapname.

If the image is too big you can create JPEG levelshots too.

\bind F12 "screenshotJPEG mapname"

For a high quality levelshot we recommend to use an extra configuration file.
To use this config, place the levelshot.cfg file into your baseq3 folder and type this command into the console:

\exec levelshot.cfg

Note: You should make a backup of your q3config.cfg file with all your current settings before you apply it.
Note: If you create a second screenshot to fast you might see the message "Wrote screenshot/..." on the image.

Get the high quality configuration here:

To do levelshots for your current settings there is the option to use these key bindings:
HUD elements like health and armor are a no go.
A console command to be able to disable this could be:

\bind F11 "toggle cg_draw2D"

This will toggle the 2D HUD graphics on and off.

Next is the FPS display.

\bind F10 "toggle cg_drawFPS"

Don't forget to disable the gun.

\bind F9 "toggle cg_drawgun"

Some modifications show text in the HUD for demo recording by default.
This would be a suitable key binding:

\bind F8 "stoprecording"
Written by Pan-(G)